
Prom day

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Video Analysis Sheet

Title of the Video: Dove Evolution Parody

The Parody shows a Dove ad showing a young men transiting in a Photo-Shoot from no make up to make up then a photoshop edit to a montage of Zac Efron (actor) then it ends with Zac Elfron face on a Billboard.

The target audience is young adults from 18 to 25 years.This can also appeals to young females as well how who are fans of the actor.

The digital Platform  it appears on the Internet.

The purpose of the video to entertain people, also its a spoof of the original footage of the women (Dove parody) which awakes people about the beauty industrial how they can tend to lie sometimes.
So i see as don't believe in everything you see in beauty ads.
The Technical Aspects was  good quality and made professionally.
The quality of the video was really clear  to watch and not pixelated like the other budget ads on YouTube.
Sound quality starts of with a noisy indoor environment followed by fast soundtrack to correspond with the speeded up footage.The image quality was average but it was also due to file compression.

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