Reading a Brief
Reading a brief gives you a set of instructions on how to go about that task.The brief can be used for a wide range of topics.
for example
Assignment brief
Reading brief gives the viewer a set of instructions that outlines the steps of the task that is to be completed in the brief.Their will be a number of different sub headings that the viewer can look and see how the brief is broken down into the different sections .
When creating a brief it is very vital to have a good structure because the viewer will need to follow the brief from begining to end making sure their cover all areas of the brief. Normally when a brief is presented in front of the client it is a good idea to give the client a copy of the brief. So they can also follow the structure of the brief and to have future reference to the brief. This also allows the viewer to think of questions to ask while looking through the brief. Also the client gets a copy of the brief to know what direction the brief is going in.
Reading the brief outlines the summary of the task for the project. In the brief you can present all the information and research that you have done.
Reading the brief outlines the summary of the task for the project. In the brief you can present all the information and research that you have done.
The brief can show key vital areas that is an interest to the task or proposal that the client may need to be aware of, the reading brief must contain all the information that is neccessary to the proposal.
Reading the brief will allow the creator to put all their ideas onto paper in the event that they may have to present their ideas to a client or subordinate, the reading brief should always follow a structure with a begining, middile and end.
Negotiating is meeting up with the cilent and trying to come to a agreement with the price or what can be added to the production.Negotiating is helpful for the cilent becuase it allows the cilent to get more than what their intened to get at the start.
A brief can be negotiated untill both parties have come to an agreement, one of subheadings normally highlighted in black is the deadline. the deadline is key to the project, proposal or assignment, it will dictate how much time they have and when it will be needed to completed by.
In the negotiating stage the finance or money will also play a key part, for example proposing a new show to a production studio maybe costly so financing the show maybe an issue. It is important to know how much the show will be spend and how much they can/will make from sales of the show to television studios. When negotiating you have to consider how long you will be contracted for, some project could last for a week others could go on to up to a year.
in the brief you can outline the different departments that will be working on the show and have the different positions that will need to be filled in the production studion if they have not been pre-selected. the key job roles such as the director and producer may be conflicting for both parties especially if they have some one in mind.
The ideas for the show, the target audience and the goals can also be changed in the brief depending on what the studio wants for the show, the production studios have a certain house style that the want to have in all the shows and the proposed show. the show can be changed to suit another audience, if for example a show was created for 14-25 or young adult the studio may prefer that the show be targeted to a mature audience because it will have a higher number of views.
Opportunites created by a brief
The opportunies you get from working with a brief is that you get to improve your communication skills, you also gain experience in the job you do so for example i worked in a production company filming a staff awards and i was the camera crane opertor so i leanred some new skills.You also learn how to stick to a brief by outline the main demands.
some of the other opportunities presented when creating a brief are accomplishing your personal goals, proposing a brief may allow you the chance to present infront of a audience or have you brief read buy someone in the industry. Depending what your initial goals are you there are various opportunities for you to enhance your confidence, negotiating skills and proposals for clients.
with this experience you can learn from from your outcomes which can help you with future projects, the outcomes can help you gain new skills and also create contacts for further oppotunities even if you proposal is not accepted. Researching topics is also important and can be benificial for future briefs, research also can help you uncover information that was previously unknow and help you decide on a show or type of show that you want to create a brief for.
Different types of briefs
Compeition A competition is a brief that provides you with information such as a task you have to do and a deadline for the competition. Awards are normally given for the best outcome.A competition sometimes comes with rules and regulations such as age,skills or educational background.
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