
Prom day

Monday, 31 October 2011

Introduction to T.V Advertising

1.A television advertisement or television commercial–often just commercial or TV ad (US), or advert, commercial, advertisement or simply just ad (UK/US), or ad-film.So basically its Advertising a product on T.V which is selling a product to viewers.


(a) We buy any car advert 


(b) Yeo Valley Advert - New Rap

(c) Cadbury Eyebrows Advert 

Three key Characteristics of them:

A common characteristics their have is the soundtrack because is draws your attention and its catchy and matches its purpose of make it memorable to listen to.

Also you can tell their put to much in the Advert their made basic so all viewers can understand whats going on.Also their use unforgettable character Funny,eye catching and good soundtrack 

It is estimated that the average of American consumes see about three thousand ads a day.
The American see the ads on bus train,bus stop in supermarkets side of telephone booth.
The second most uttered world in the world is he Coca Cola.

Research is an important because companies spend a lot of money on adverts so research is the key to a successful Advert.Also research makes it a lot easy and makes it persuasive and rememberable for example short and snappy headlines in Newspaper, repetition in adverts makes the ad.

Type of Persuasive Technique
Link to an Avert which uses this technique
The Anecote: Personal experience or story which is sold to us as proof.
Adjectives: Crisps, fresh, healthy, nutritious, etc
Repetition: Key points, positives about the product, themes etc
Statistics: Often presented as factually accurate but somewhere they are can be proven.
Fact: A Statement that is true and can be proven.

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